I've been busy getting ready to pilot the changes for the school program, and this week we began. It went reasonably well, and I can tell that we will learn TONS from the pilot, and adjust from there. The biggest challenge has been implementing a practical portion to the program. They do this in Tanzania, and we have adapted it from how they do things there.
Basically we have a pretend road, and children act as cars and/or pedestrians, to simulate the road environment. We are able to show them why certain behaviors are dangerous, and what doing the right thing looks like. It seems to be going well, but as with anything there are some kinks to work out, no biggie. Also notice in the pictures how the group size is way lower, so much calmer!
Other than working, Ama and I have been up to pretty much the same old (sorry, I know, boring!). We went to the pool on Saturday as usual, and Ama had fun trying to consume all the ketchup the Shangri-la had to offer (what is it with kids and ketchup?)We have also been to the hotel down the road a couple times where Ama can have ice cream, and perhaps more importantly I can have a beer! We always have the place to ourselves, so it's pretty great.
Last week we went to Lucy's, or as she calls herself, Grandma's house. Her home was absolutely beautiful. She has her two grandchildren living with her from the US, and the little girl had ton's of fun with Ama. I will be phoning her soon to schedule round 2! It's nice to see a friendly face, outside the environment of service or buying/selling.
On Sunday night I was laying in bed looking at my calendar and thinking "hey, I'm almost half way done, I can do this, no problem!" Just then, out came a cockroach from hiding to squash my confidence, and I will admit there were some tears and some "I want to go homes." I spoke with Jane on skype who attempted to coach me in what to do, but I was too wimpy. I told her I just hoped it would die and leave me alone. Then next morning, to my suprise, there it was dead on the floor by my suitcase! I willed it to death! Pretty amazing, and creepy. I quickly called Adam the security guard, who removed it from my bedroom. There have been no signs of his or her family members, so I think (or hope) we are in the clear. Yuck.
On Monday I was quite tired, and my day involved a lot of waiting and a lot of sitting in traffic inhaling mass amounts of pollution. When I got home I decided I needed an un-Ghana experience, and carted Ama to the Accra Mall. There we enjoyed some very tasty chinese food. There was also a giant play place in the middle of the food court where they charge 3GHC for half hour of play. Ama enjoyed herself thouroughly.
Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera, but we will be back so I will take pictures of this pretty amazing play place. While Ama was having a blast, I started talking with the owner. Turns out she is from Edmonton, and Terwillegar at that! We were basically neighbours growing up, small world! She gave me her number, so I will likely phone her. We will definitely be back.
Good news! Ama has been using the potty at daycare now for 3 days! She's had a couple of accidents each day, but still, progress! Still not much progress at home except on the weekends. Poor thing is so tired after school!
I have a pretty terrible cold, and Ama seems to be getting it, so tomorrow I think we will take a rest day. I'm also thinking that a trip out of Accra is in order in a couple of weeks, if only to save my lungs from the exhaust in the air! I'll keep you posted on when/where we decide to go, but a beach weekend is likely.
Here are a couple pictures I took of very small children walking alone on the road, in an unsafe way.
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